​NoCoAstro Current Elected Officer
President - Greg Marino • Email Our President • pres@nocoastro.org
Contact for questions about the club or need to get an official response from the club.
Vice President - Carla Johns • Email Our Vice President • vp@nocoastro.org
Contact for suggestions or wish to volunteer to speak at our monthly meetings.
Treasurer - Charlie Davis • Email Our Treasurer • treas@nocoastro.org
Contact for club dues and renewal questions or if you would like to make a donation to the club. We prefer that you use PayPal (no sign up required) to pay club dues but if you would like to write a check, mail it to Charley Davis, 3725 Benthaven St, Fort Collins, CO 80526.
Secretary - Rob Sireno • Email Our Secretary • sec@nocoastro.org
Contact for a copy of the meeting minutes.
NoCoAstro Current Volunteered Positions
Outreach Coordinator & Email List Manager • Greg Halac • Email Our Outreach Coordinator • outreach@nocoastro.org
Contact to schedule an outreach event, find out about our public events, discuss upcoming activities or want to be added or removed from our email lists. ALL EMAIL LISTS ARE FOR ASTRONOMY RELATED CONTENT ONLY!!!
- Club New: For anyone interesting in club info, events and activities.
- Members: For member specific info. Membership required.
- Volunteers: For members who bring telescopes to our outreach events.
Education Outreach Coordinator • Beth Edens • Email our Education Outreach Coordinator • beth@bethedens.com
Contact for information regarding club astronomy education programs but first check our Educational Info page.
​Webmaster - Robert Sireno • Email our Webmaster • webmaster@nocoastro.org
Contact for problems or suggestions for the website.
If you check your email in a computer program like Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail or Apple Mail or a phone app like Mail or Gmail, click the Email Our… link above.
If you check your email in a web browser like Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari, copy and paste the email address above into the To: field when composing a new email.
Constitution and Bylaws of the Northern Colorado Astronomical Society
We, the undersigned, desiring to secure the pleasures and benefits of an association of persons interested in amateur astronomy; to promote the science of astronomy; to encourage and coordinate activities of amateur astronomical societies; to foster observational and computational work, telescope building and craftsmanship in various fields of astronomy; to promote the efficient use of outdoor lighting in order to minimize light pollution and thus preserve the dark skies, do hereby organize and constitute ourselves the Northern Colorado Astronomical Society, a nonprofit organization.
The name of the association shall be the NORTHERN COLORADO ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. The organization shall also be recognized under the acronym NCAS.
Section I: Any person with a sincere interest in astronomy may be admitted to the membership.
Section II: Members are required to pay dues as specified by the executive board unless these dues are waived by the executive board.
Section III: A member may dropped from the membership by two-thirds quorum vote after a show of due cause.
Section I: Dues will be assessed by the executive board on an annual basis.
Section II: A change in the dues must be approved by two-thirds quorum vote.
Section III: To retain a membership in the society the individual or family must have current dues paid.
Section IV: Dues are not refundable.
The officers of the Northern Colorado Astronomical Society shall consist of president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. All eligible candidates shall be selected from regular, paid-up membership. The offices of secretary and treasurer may be held separately or combined on a majority quorum vote.
Section I: The method of voting shall be by secret ballot by the regular membership during January. In the event of a tie, the president shall be permitted to break the tie by casting his or her ballot twice.
Section II: The executive board of elected officers shall be elected for a term of one year. The newsletter editor is an appointed member of the executive board.
Section III: Members may hold the same office for no more than two consecutive terms.
Section IV: Officers may be removed by two-thirds quorum vote of the current membership after a show of due cause.
Section V: Vacancies occurring between elections shall be filled by a special election at the regular meeting following the meeting in which the resignation or withdrawal is announced. Duties of the office meanwhile reside with the president or the president's interim appointee, or otherwise at the discretion of the executive board.
Section I- President: The president shall preside at all business meetings and shall chair the executive board. The president shall call extra business meetings if required, temporarily fill vacancies and appoint committee members not otherwise provided for. The president shall perform all other duties normally required by the office of the president.
Section II- Vice-President: The vice-president shall preside in the absence, or inability of the president to preside. The vice-president may be assigned some additional duties such as coordinating committee activities, heading educational activities et cetera. The vice-president coordinates and verifies the programs for the general meetings.
Section III- Secretary: The secretary shall keep the minutes of the monthly general meetings and the executive board meetings. It is the secretary's responsibility to correspond with other astronomical societies and individuals regarding club and regional business and astronomical information. The secretary shall receive and relay to members news and information of astronomical interest.
Section IV- Treasurer & Treasury: The treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all financial transactions of the organization. It is the responsibility of the treasurer to:
- receive and receipt dues from members - account for and bank receipts properly
- send renewal and new subscription money to any publication with which the organization has a group subscription
- pay all bills justly accrued by the organization
- keep books in order for an annual audit
A. The executive board of the directors shall have power to approve the expenditure of funds not to exceed a total of four hundred dollars per month; excluding postage.
B. All expenses over four hundred dollars per month must be voted on and approved by a majority quorum vote.
Section V- Appointed Positions, Committees and Boards:
A. The Newsletter Editor shall:
- be responsible for the publication of the society's newsletter.
- solicit and receive material for the newsletter by a reasonable deadline determined by the newsletter editor.
- perform all other duties normally required by the office of the editor.
B. Committees and Boards: There shall be an executive board and such standing and special committees as may be deemed necessary for proper organizational functioning.
Meetings are to be held monthly. An executive board meeting of the officers and other interested members shall be held before the general meeting whenever the president deems it necessary.
A quorum shall consist of 9 members or 20% of the general membership whichever is greater.
This Constitution and/or accompanying bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular meeting if the members are informed in writing of the proposed amendment one month prior to the meeting at which the action is to be taken.
Section I: A regular member or executive board member gets only one vote in any election or board decision with the exception of the president in the case of a tie.
Section II: The society is organized as an educational organization and will take part only in activities that are scientific and educational in nature. No substantial part of the activities of the society shall be carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the society shall not participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of the articles the society shall not carry on any other activities not to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501,C,3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).
Section III: Upon the dissolution of the society, the executive board shall; after paying or making the provision for the payment of all liabilities of the society, dispose of all the assets of the society exclusively for the purpose of the society in such a manner or to such an organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501,C,3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law, as the executive board shall determine). Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the court of common pleas of the county in which the principal office of the society is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such an organization or organizations, as said court shall decide, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Section IV: The consumption of any type of alcoholic beverage will not be permitted at society functions such as board meetings, star parties, and general meetings.
Section V: Any member borrowing equipment, literature, et cetera from the club shall solely be responsible for the return or replacement of all items borrowed. Any infraction of this bylaw shall result in the permanent forfeiture of the individual's membership and dues paid.
Section VI: The Northern Colorado Astronomical Society is not responsible for any losses, injury or theft to any persons or property at any society meetings or activities.
Approved by a quorum vote at the March 3, 2022, general membership meeting.