Thank you for considering to donate to the Northern Colorado Astronomical Society. There are several ways to donate to the club. If it is a monetary donation, you can use the link below. Alternatively, you can provide your donation to one of the club’s officers during our monthly meetings.
We also accept donations in the form of astronomical equipment which we can use for our outreach programs and loan to our members as you will see below. If you have gear you would like to donate, please get in touch with one of our club’s officers.
NoCoAstro is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization under the IS regulations, and all donations are tax deductible.

Loaner Telescopes, Accessories, DVDs & Books
Items belonging to the club may be borrowed at no cost by NoCoAstro members in good standing. New members (less than 6 months) need approval from a club officer to borrow some high-valued items. NoCoAstro wants these items to get used; please contact an officer to arrange a loan. By borrowing an item, the club member agrees to:
Request training in an item’s proper use and care if not experienced in its operation
Reasonably protect the borrowed item(s) from loss or damage
Return the item in the same condition as received, other than signs of normal use (eg. dust, mount run marks)
Don't attempt cleaning of any optical surfaces
Promptly report any damaged or missing items to a club officer
Repair, replace, or reimburse the club for lost or damaged items, as determined by the club officers
Return the item after the agreed-upon loan period, or upon member request - whichever is later
Make the item(s) available for NCAS-supported outreach events, as requested
Return all items if membership lapses
Provide current contact information (email and phone number) to the club
Contact a club officer if you have any questions

Celestron C14, German Equatorial Mount with Accessories
Donated by Dr. Chris Cooper.
The C14 is a large Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope with a focal length of 3910mm. This is a great instrument for viewing galaxies, planetary nebulae, globular clusters, and planets. It comes with the CGE Pro (or CGEM) mount which contains the positions of tens of thousands of astronomical objects. Also included are standard accessories such as eyepieces, spotter scopes, electrical hookups, etc.)
Note, this is a very large and heavy object. It is highly recommended that more than one person helps during setup. The OTA weighs 45lbs and the mount (not including counter-weights) is 75lbs.

Coronado SolarMax 60 H-Alpha Filter + BF10 Blocking Filter
NCAS Purchase and Donation by Gerry Reynolds
In order to use the filter, this item comes with a 60mm Refractor and an Equatorial Mount which was donated by Gerry Reynolds.

Coronado PST (Personal Solar Telescope) and 20mm Eyepiece
NCAS Purchase and Donations by Dan Laszlo and Greg Halac
In order to use the PST, this item comes with a Coronado Cemax 12mm Eyepiece, donated by Dan Laszlo, and an Orion EQ-1 Equatorial Mount, donated by Greg Halac.

Edmund Scientific 6” f/4 mirror (2 available)
Donated by Gene Schmidt
Just the mirror. This item is great if you care to try your hand at building your own telescope.

Oberwerk 15x70 Binoculars
Anonymous donation or purchase
A pair of binoculars is the first step at beginning deep sky observations. With these, you can see dozens of deep sky objects.

Astro-Systems 10in Dobsonian Telescope
Donated by Astro-Systems

Sunspotter Solar Telescope
SOFIA (NASA) - Night Sky Network Prize
Not a traditional telescope. Instead, this scope will create a projected image of the sun, making it safe to view the surface of the sun. You can see large sunspots and eclipses on the projection.

Unihedron Sky Quality Meter (Serial #0760)
NCAS Purchase
This device will measure the darkness of the sky. Simply point the device straight up and press the button to get an SQM reading.

Unitron 70mm Refractor, Equatorial Mount and Eyepieces
Donated by Dr. Leslie Trowbridge
A small refractor telescope which comes complete with an equatorial mount and eyepieces.

Various Media
The Cosmic Perspective: Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology - Donated by Nick Schneider and Erica Ellington
Hands-On Astrophysics: Variable Stars in Math and Education AAVSO - Anonymous donation or purchase
Intro To Astronomy “Teaching Company”, VHS Tapes - Donated by Greg Halac
Intro To Astronomy “Teaching Company”, DVD Tapes - Donated by Greg Halac
What’s New In Astronomy 2003 “Teaching Company”, DVDs - Donated by Greg Halac
Mysteries of Deep Space, PBS, VHS Tapes - Donated by Gerry Reynolds