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Welcome to NoCoAstro!


We are a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the science of astronomy and coordinating activities for amateur astronomers and anyone who appreciates the wonders of the night sky. Explore our website to learn more about our club and upcoming stargazing events. We always have something new and exciting planned for you!


  • We host public outreach events at dark sky locations just far enough away from the city to avoid light pollution but close enough for easy access such as; Horsetooth Mountain Open Space, Bobcat Ridge Natural Area, Lory State Park, Fossil Creek Reservoir, Rocky Mountain National Park and more. 

  • Nighttime isn't the only time for astronomy. We also have solar outreach events where you get a chance to safely look at sun spots and solar flares (actually referred to as prominences) at locations such as the Fort Collins Museum Of Discovery and the Fort Collins Public Library.

  • At all of our outreach events you'll have the opportunity to look through a variety of telescopes operated by our club members. Feel free to ask questions and bring the whole family. See our Calendar for a complete schedule.

  • We also have professional astronomers speak at our monthly meetings in the Otterbox Digital Dome Theater in the Fort Collins Museum Of Discovery on the first Thursday of every month and you're invited!

NoCoAstro was founded in 1994 by a group of individuals who shared a common interest in astronomy. Today, we have grown into a thriving community of amateur astronomers who come together to share knowledge, ideas, and experiences. As a member of NoCoAstro, you will gain access to a variety of events and workshops that will help you learn more about the celestial bodies that fascinate us all. For an annual fee of only $25, club membership includes...


  • Club members are automatically enrolled in the Astronomical League. (Normally $40)

  • A digital or print subscription to the Astronomical League's Reflector magazine.

  • Membership in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Night Sky Network.

  • A special club version of Astrospheric, one of the most popular astronomy weather apps. (Normally $30)

  • Access to the club's loaner telescopes, accessories, DVDs and books. (PRICELESS!!!)

  • Members are also eligible to receive discounts on subscriptions to Sky & Telescope and Astronomy magazines and books through the Astronomical League.

  • Membership email list to receive up-to-date information on club meetings, news, astronomy events and more.

  • Contact Our Treasurer if you have any questions.
    That's an annual  value of over $70 for only $25 a year.

    Buy Now is for new memberships and renewals.

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  • Initial contact information will be provided to the club by PayPal.

  • After processing, you will receive login information from NSN.  This will allow you to edit your profile for the club roster and add phone numbers, pictures, etc. and change your preferences.

  • You will be added to the Astronomical League and begin receiving the Reflector magazine after the next AL update

  • You will be added to our member email list so that you receive notification about meetings, special events and other relevant topics.

  • New members, please join us for our meet & greet before our monthly meetings so that we can get to know you!

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